BTV in the News

BrokerTech Ventures’ Success by the Numbers

Thursday, March 11, 2021

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By now, you’ve likely heard us mention BrokerTech Ventures (BTV). If not, let me do a quick refresher. 

What is BTV?

BTV is a company co-founded by Holmes Murphy and M3 in mid-2019. It literally began with a whiteboard and dry erase markers and has been growing incrementally month over month ever since.

In the simplest of terms, BTV is the first broker-led platform focused on delivering innovation to the insurance broker industry. There has never been another company like BTV dedicated to the broker side of the insurance innovation equation. Basically, BTV provides a venue for the best minds in insurance and technology to collaborate and bring to market leading-edge ideas and solutions. On top of this, BTV invests in the research and testing for chosen startups, provides access to veteran industry mentors, and helps scale the technology to market through broker distribution channels.

While it’s likely best known for the Accelerator, BTV is actually so much more. We have five towers in all — the Accelerator, Early-Stage Investments, Innovation, Capital, and Media/Communications. 

While I won’t go into all of that for purposes of this blog, as I looked back on 2020 and ahead for 2021, I began to truly visualize BTV’s success. While we are proud of what we've built and continue to build, we recognize that one of the greatest metrics of success lives within the data. So, for this blog, that’s what I’m going to focus on!

BTV Accelerator

Our BTV Accelerator launched in the fall of 2019 with an announcement made during the InsureTech Connect Conference in Las Vegas and followed by representation at the Insurance Leadership Forum (CIAB) in Colorado Springs. The sheer brand placement between these two pinnacle insurance events allowed us to achieve global insurtech company Accelerator applications above 50. One year later, we approached nearly 100 applicants from around the world.

Through our Accelerator pipeline and rolling from 2019 to 2021, we are pleased to see expanded diversity — in terms of founder and team makeup, line of business, geography, and product journey.

We believe that our BTV Accelerator is unlike any in the industry, and the world, for that matter. We aspire to continue to grow this model within the USA and beyond.

For the full story, please visit  Homes Murphy.

Thursday, March 11, 2021